I am a somatic movement coach and specialise in classes and one to ones with those who, like me live with Ankylosing Spondylitis (Axial Spa or AS) but am happy to help anyone who is finding their movement a struggle or simply wants to connect more with their body to understand how to feel and move better.

I have lived with Ankylosing Spondylitis (a form of arthritis) since childhood. I always worked hard to stay fit and active, but it was the discovery of first Pilates and then Somatics which really changed my life and how well I could move.

After using a walking stick for 20 years, I rebuilt my body from the inside out so that I could give up using a stick and I love to share how I did this.

I am a fully certified Essential Somatics Movement Coach and Teacher and also have some Pilates training.

Whilst I specialise with AS, I have helped people with SI joint pain, sciatica, Parkinsons, chronic pain conditions, neck and shoulders issues and lower back pain.

I also work as a gut health mentor, helping people to rebalance their gut bacteria to reduce immune problems and improve their overall health.

Get in touch to see how I might help you!

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