Ian Young, Somatic Movement Coach

Inspiring you to move!
I teach somatic movement
to help you to unlock your body

Somatics is a movement practice designed to free the body from holding patterns and trapped muscle tension. I teach classes and one to one as an education process so that you can create a daily practice which can equip you to help yourself to really make a significant difference to pain and stiffness and about how you feel in your body and it has the potential to help you to move much better.

Somatics works far better than massage or other therapies where things are done to you as your body needs to be moving in order for your nervous system to learn new ways of being. In Somatics we are re-programming the brain's control of the body to overcome the bad habits we have picked up through the way we live our life in modern industrialised society - sitting, driving, computer usage etc- or through injury or disease. We do this not through stretching but through contracting into tension and then doing a slow yawning release called a pandiculation.

Somatics can improve posture, reduce pain and the need for medication and reduce stress and strain in the body leaving you more energised as you are not having to use lots of energy just holding all that tension. Somatics addresses the underlying causes of pain in the body by working with full body patterns of posture and movement. Come and experience the delicious gentle movements and you may never look back! .

I specialise in helping those with Ankylosing Spondylitis as i suffer from the condition myself and have learnt so much over the years about how to cope with and overcome what can otherwise be a debilitating condition. I have learnt from the inside out and love to share my discoveries and my passion for how much better it is possible for you to feel!

Somatics has been helpful for anyone who has tightness in their body and has been found particularly helpful for S.I. joint pain, Sciatica, TMJ or anyone who has pain in their lower back, hip or neck and shoulders.

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